変わらない「ふるさと」 〜Onagawa family~
女川町は、日本の東北地方宮城県にあるリアス式海岸を持つ、海産業が盛んな、美しい自然が残る町です。例えばサンマの水揚げ量は日本の中で2番目を誇ります。その町を2011年3月11日、地震と津波が襲いました。津波の高さは約15mにまで達し、町には甚大な被害が出ました。震災により、女川町の風景や人々の生活は大きくかわりました。そんな私たちにとっての「ふるさと」とは何か。考え続けた先にみえたのは、育ってきた町のあたたかさ、「家族を思わせる人々の繋がり、震災があっても変わらない「ふるさと」でした。人と人とのつながりの大切さ、そして1人1人の心を支え、その人をつくっていく。「ふるさと」を心から感じることができたとき、人はゆるぎない強さを手に入れる様な気がするのです。 私たちの変わらないふるさと、「Onagawa family」を女川のオリジナルダンス「さんまDEサンバ」をパリで皆さんと踊ること、そして展示を通して発信します。世界中の人々が改めて自分の「ふるさと」に気づき、生きていくための力を手に入れる機会にしてもらいたいと考えています


The Rebirth of Tohoku in PARIS

Tohoku’s students invite the whole world to celebrate
“Tohoku – Wa, la renaissance”
on 30-31 August 2014 at the Champ-de-Mars in Paris

Thee main theme is “Japan Rising Towards the Future” . This event is the given-mission of this project and will be held at Champ-de-mars Park at the foot of Eiffel Tower on August 30th and 31st with the special support of the city of Paris, where we will appeal to the wonder of Tohoku. There will be balloons and dominos to symbolize the tsunami and recovery from it, storytelling by students who experienced the disaster, and 100 panels surrounding the main stage to tell stories about students’ past, present and future. There will also be booths by Fukushima Prefecture, Miyagi Prefecture and Iwate Prefecture, and by enterprise-partners.

On September 2nd we will hold a ceremony to plant cherry trees in the courtyard of the OECD Headquarters, and an international conference by both students and adults. The theme is “My School, Our Future and Schooling for 2030”

-Theme of ONAGAWA TEAM –

Our “hometown” ~Onagawa Family~

Onagawa is a town where beautiful Nature still remains in Miyagi prefecture, Tohoku. It has a rias coastline that makes marine products business prosperous. For example, a haul of saury (Sanma in Japanese) is the second place in Japan.The town, on March 11th, 2011, was hit by an earthquake and tsunami. Waves reached at a height of 15 meter and Onagawa was damaged immensely.

The scenery of Onagawa and the life of people has changed drastically by the earthquake.What is a “hometown”?We did a lot of thinking and realized that we have been raised in such a friendly town and people are connected with each other like a family here.Our hometown never changed even after the earthquake.

A hometown connects,supports and makes people. We feel we can get the strength when we ca n understand our “hometown” for real.We exhibit the portraits of our all-time “Onagawa Family” and dance the original local dance,”samma de Samba”, with people in Paris.

we hope that you can realize your hometown again and get energy to live on.

ServicesCocept / Planning / Direction / Editing /coverage

⸺ Concept


⸺ Planning


⸺ Direction


⸺ Editing


⸺ Camera


On 11 March 2011, the entire Tohoku region was hit by a powerful earthquake, followed by a massive tsunami. This disaster caused an enormous amount of damage and left an estimated 20,000 people dead or missing, mainly in the coastal areas. On top of that, there was a hydrogen explosion the following day at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant, operated by Tokyo Electric Power Company, leading to the largest nuclear accident ever to occur in Japan.
In April of that same year, the Secretary General of OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, headquartered in Paris) came to Japan and made a commitment to support the recovery efforts in Tohoku. In cooperation with Japan’s Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT) and Fukushima University, they created the “OECD Tohoku School” (an education recovery project commissioned by MEXT).
OECD Tohoku Schools is a two and a half year project, in which 100 junior high and high school students from disaster areas in Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate Prefectures come together for a programme of study at Intensive Workshops and Local Schools. Through this project-based learning, the students will produce an event in Paris in 2014 to appeal the wonders of Tohoku to the world.
